Monday, July 30, 2007


I have explored the Flickr website, pictures, and great ways to archive my pictures. It is not straightforward to me about how to upload pictures to the website or to my blog but with a little help from my friends I'm sure I'll get there. It looks like a great site for anyone who takes gads and gads of pictures or who can upload from a digital camera. Adding tags seems like a great way to explain/remember pictures (where/when they were taken and memory joggers!). I'm afraid I'm not there yet, don't take many pictures - but I have great memories of the places I've been!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The never ending story - Learning

The time is now
The goal is set
The steps are numbered

The tools are ready
The toolbox is full
The contract begins

The foot is raised
The step is taken
The journey begins!